
Matruvani Subscribers

First published in 1984, Matruvani is the spiritual guide to positive change. Available monthly (English and Other Indian Languages), each issue brings you Amma’s messages, spiritual stories, devotees’ experiences and much more.

Subscription Rate in India

1 year 3 Years 5 Years Life (15 years) Single issue
Rs.120/- Rs.340/- Rs.550/- Rs.1500/- Rs.12/-
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Account No: 005900100078774
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Bank: Dhanlakshmi Bank
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Place: Vallikavu, Amritapuri

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Subscription Rate in Outside India

1 year Life (15 years)
US$ 20 US$ 200
First published in 1984 on the auspicious occasion of Amma’s Birthday with the aim of disseminating Amma’s teachings to devotees, the magazine today is read by hundreds of thousands over the world.

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